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Why Patients Love Petrover Orthodontics

Patient Reviews For Petrover Orthodontics Of Wellington & Boynton Beach, Florida

This Could Be One Of The Reasons Why You Love Petrover Orthodontics Too!:

Our patients share about their great experiences at Petrover Orthodontics. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and most of all, you’ll smile.

“I generally do not write or post reviews, but this is well worth someone reading and making their own decisions on treatment from Dr. Petrover……If you are debating on treatment or debating on a provider or as I was, just testing the waters to see what could be done and how much of an improvement I would see after completion, then please read on……..This is a decision that only you can make. Do not be influenced by others. At the end of the day, do what you feel is necessary for yourself. That’s the same advice I gave myself and once I decided on a provider, I didn’t shop the cost or the length of treatment. I didn’t seek a second opinion or tour another office or talk to another staff at another facility. When I arrived for my consultation, I was immediately made to feel comfortable by everyone on staff. Never once did I feel like a source of revenue or just another patient. I didn’t exactly give Dr. Petrover a lot to work with. I was a 48 year old male at the time with a cross-bite and a pretty hefty mal-occlusion. That is to say, in order for my teeth and jaw to properly line up, I would have to undergo maxillofacial surgery, which is where a surgeon sections your jaw and resets it to realign your bite. Approaching the latter years isn’t exactly the time to have a procedure like that, which is completely and totally elective. I felt no need to undergo that type of reconstruction, so when I asked Dr. Petrover how he could help, he was brutally honest and gave me a range of about a 20% improvement in my bite, but not much more if at all without the surgery. To hear my speech before treatment and to look at me, you would really have no idea of how much of an issue this is. To me, I was fine with how I looked and spoke so, in my mind, I really didn’t have extraordinary circumstances and I did not need immediate orthodontic help to improve my appearance or my self confidence. I am not lacking in that area. I chose to go through the treatment because I wanted my smile back and my teeth straightened. I chose Petrover Orthodontics because it was made clear to me immediately that this was what the common goal was, in spite of the lack of jaw alignment. Sure, there are many orthodontists in the area and many of them would’ve been happy to take me on as a patient. Some would’ve been more than pushy in the direction of the surgical procedure on my jaw because that would have only enhanced the finish product. But the difference in my opinion, was that I felt completely at ease with no pressure to start treatment, no pressure to do much of anything. They left it up to me. In fact, the only time the surgical aspect ever came up was when I would ask about it. That’s just a small sample of what I experienced over the past 21 months. Every step was carefully explained to me, the time frame was right on the money. The appliances were perfectly and professionally fitted. Today, I smile much more and my teeth are very straight and I couldn’t be more pleased. My jaw widened as a result of the treatment and the improvement in the bite was spot on. It’s truly a very simple process. Follow their instructions, maintain your appliances, keep your appointments and then, smile. It’s really that easy. I wore invisalign for 21 months. And now, as part of the after care, I wear a clear retainer at night. I would give you one piece of valuable advice. Don’t wait like I did for six months mulling over what I thought was a complete change in how I speak or how much discomfort I would have as my teeth began to shift or what people would say when they heard or noticed I was wearing invisalign. Instead, think about how quickly you’ll start to see the results like I did.There was such minimal discomfort and such minimal sensitivity throughout the entire process, that the only regret I have was not starting sooner. You don’t have to take my word for it, schedule a consultation. Meet the people that work there, look at the facility and then you’ll understand why it was an easy choice.” – D. Zendano

“My teeth looked horrible and I hated smiling in front of people. I now have a perfect smile thanks to you guys. Now I look forward to dating. Thanks for everything.” – Richard F.

“A smile is worth a thousand words. It enhanced my appearance and made me feel confident. I think the area of my life that will improve most will be when I complete my studies in nursing. When I smile at the patients I hope they will feel more comfortable and at ease. The treatment was excellent.” – Diamond G.

“Dr. Petrover and his staff did a great job. I am impressed with the results of both of my daughters’ teeth, both during and after treatment was completed. There is always a welcoming feeling entering the office. I would definitely recommend Dr. Petrover’s services.” – Sharon B., mother of Brenda and Kaitlyn M.

“Dr. Petrover and his staff were always warm and caring. The office is super efficient, so they never wasted a moment of my time, and the staff truly treated me like family! I even got my braces off faster than all my friends!” – Stephanie P.

*Testimonials were received in various forms through a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of Petrover Orthodontics patients and/or their parents/guardians. However, individual results may vary. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else may experience while in our care. The people giving testimonials, of their own volition, have granted approval for the use of their experiences. The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for grammatical or typing error corrections. Some testimonials may have been edited for clarity or shortened in cases where the original testimonial included additional information of no relevance to the general public.

Get The Smile You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

Petrover Orthodontics can help you or your loved one achieve a smile that benefits dental health as much as it increases confidence. However, we want you to feel confident that your choice in an orthodontist in Wellington & Boynton Beach, Florida (FL) is the right one. Follow the steps below to start your journey towards the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

  1. Instantly download our FREE Report: Top 10 Things You Need to Know Before Choosing an Orthodontist.
  2. Call (561) 795-3055 to ask questions or set up your free Petrover Smile Assessment!
  3. Contact our Wellington or Boynton Beach, FL orthodontic office via our online form.

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